
Sand, Bananas and Stamping

It was so much cooler the past few days! I felt like I could actually move around. Here's what we have been up to...

One morning we walked to Kim's house (her hubby is away...sniff) for a wonderful CSA French Toast breakfast. Then the kids got to play in the sandbox. Fun for all, but a giant chore to clean! Benji loves to eat the sand. Olivia followed suit, but she didn't seem to enjoy it as much. The big kids don't even try it!

Here is Olivia after mashing bananas into her hair. That was fun!

Now that my craft room is more organized it is much easier to get to all my stuff. Cameron picked his own stamp set and ink and spent an hour stamping. First he stamped a picture for me. When he was done he asked for paper to stamp for Nana. Then he asked for paper to stamp for Grampa. Then Mia. After that he looked at me and said, "Now I want to stamp a picture for Tyler." I looked at him curiously and said, "Tyler? Mommy and Daddy's friend?" "Yup!" was his reply. Awww, he's so sweet! When he was finished he asked if he could stamp one for Daddy. Poor Damey, he's fifth in the stamping a picture pecking order...

Reminds me of when Cameron was about Olivia's age. Grampa watched him one morning and then Katrina came in the afternoon. When I came home he was napping in his crib and Katrina left. When he woke up he yelled, "Grampa!" I went upstairs and he saw me and pouted and said, "Grampa?" again. I said, "No, Grampa went home." Still sad he said, "Trina?" I replied, "No, she went home too." Still pouting he said, "Doggy?" I couldn't help but laugh. So Damey, at least your fifth behind Tyler and not the dogs!!


  1. Ah the sandbox, everything is a double edged sword...they love it...it keeps them happy for a bit...but it is such a pain to clean up after...Do you ever feel like you should just attach a dustpan and broom to yourself? I do...I am cleaning the kitchen from breakfast now...while making the lunch....ahhhhhhhhhh.

  2. Ian still loves the sandbox. We're hoping to build a big one here this summer, he and his friends are such diggers, and they are digging up our yard!

    Tell Cameron that I think he's an awesome stamper :)


  3. Oh yeah, I meant to also say, what the heck is it with babies and smushing food in their hair?! I remember Ian doing it, but we kept his hair pretty short and could pretty easily wash it with a face cloth. Ana's hair...not so easy! I feel like she needs a bath after every meal!!

  4. I know! Cameron actually wasn't a food masher, more of an eater, but Olivia has a new passion! Maybe she knows something we don't. Are bananas good for your hair?


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