
Lazy Hazy Days of Summer

Friday, after swim lessons, I went down to the Seacoast with my parents. They both had the day off which was great, plus we had a family get-together to go to on Saturday. It was so hot, about 90 degrees, and we decided to head to the ocean. It was Olivia's first summer trip. Cameron ran down to the water and spent about an hour running away from the waves. He was so cute to watch and I couldn't stop taking pictures. Olivia walked right down to the water and up to her knees, and then a wave came and knocked her on her bum. She was a little scared and I thought she wouldn't want to go back in, but to my surprise, she did. The tide was going out so there was a bit of an undertow, and both kids were very interested in how the water washed the sand out from under their feet, as was I.

We left the beach before the terrible storms hit, and on our way home had to pull over because we couldn't see where we were going. The car was shaking from the wind. Cameron said, "Mommy, I'm scared." I thought about saying "Me too," but put on my brave Mommy face and reassured him that the safest place to be was in the car, although I was doubting it at the moment.


  1. Awesome pictures Amanda!! I love the close ups of their cute little faces...especially when they aren't looking. It's just too precious...they are soo innocent and sweet.

  2. Love the action photo of Cameron!

    I wonder where the strength comes from sometimes...when it would be easier to be scared but instead, as mommies, we put on a brave face and are strong for our children. It is the mark of a wonderful Mommy, Amandan! : )


  3. No, that is not a new nickname. I meant...Amanda! Was typing too quickly as usual.



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