
Day 66 - Crocodile Tears

Doing a separate 365 today.  joy of LOVE is so much fun that I take a ton of photos and end up with a lot that I like.

Today we had a house full of children.  This beautiful girl is 9 months old.  We had a wonderful day.  Do not be fooled by that tear.  Every time I left her sight she would cry, but as soon as I returned she was all smiles.  (Don't worry Lauren, I was never gone for more than a minute!) 


  1. ohhoo noo.. I would be fooled. My youngest is 9, so I would just hold that little one. I so miss it!

  2. Awwwwww... look at that big crocodile tear! My daughter does that too, it makes it hard to go to the bathroom when they're crying. lol

  3. sooooo sweet!

    And have fun with the recital. The first one is sooooo much fun! Just remember "No flash photography in the theater!" Our studio is crazy strict about photos. I hardly have any when BB was younger b/c they wouldn't let us photograph them in their costumes.

  4. And her blocked tear duct on that side...

  5. What an adorable little face :O) Oh, to answer your questions - We got them at Stride rite. However, they are made by Keds. They are on sale right now for $25!!

    They also have purple but they are $40 so we opted for the red :O)

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a kind comment. My bottom lip instantly went out with pity when I saw this picture. Aaw!

  7. Gorgeous!! http://flowerphotography1.blogspot.com/


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