
2/365: "Laughing Faces, Happy Smiles..."

"...and Peace throughout the year!"

In my house we leave our Christmas decorations up until Epiphany on January 6th.  One of my favorite memories growing up is the "Twelfth Night" parties we used to have at our Pastor's house in Epping.  We would all bring our undecorated trees and have a huge bonfire in the backyard.  We would sing Christmas carols, eat lots of delicious food, drink hot chocolate and someone would read "The Legend of Old Befana" to all of us kids.  It was something I looked forward to every Christmas season.  

One of my treasured Christmas decorations is this old guy, St. Nicholas himself.  

He is a jolly old elf, with an emphasis on the "old" part.  I think I was about Olivia's age when my parents were taking him off of the top of the refrigerator so that I could press the button on his belly and hear him sing "Jingle Bells".  For years I remember the excitement of seeing him emerge from the decoration box the day after Thanksgiving.  I remember coming home from college and pressing his belly and listening to the squeal as his old music box tried to get up to speed.  His voice would moan and groan the words instead of sing them.  After a few plays he would be back to his old self.  Well, this guy is still singing his tune, only now my kids get to press his belly.  My kids get excited when they see him come out of the decoration box.  My kids get to listen to him moan and groan the words to Jingle Bells and we all laugh every time.

Merry Christmas everyone!  Remember, the twelve days of Christmas started when Jesus was born!!


  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I am going to try and stay on top of reading my friends blogs this year...I use to be such a stalker, then life got busy. Now that the baby, (16 mos. old) is a lot more independant, I want to make my free time count...I look forward to seeing where your life goes this 2012!!

  2. I miss that Santa but glad all of you are enjoying him!


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