
6/365: Easy Bake

No, I did not get my daughter an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas.  I bake with her in our real oven.  I know that just saying this makes me sound "superior" but that is not what I mean.  First, this oven is recommended for children 8 and older.  Olivia is 4.  Second, it is plastic.  Third, I have no idea what kind of chemicals and preservatives are in those cake mixes that require you to just add water.  Okay, I sound superior, but I don't care.  It is gross.

That being said, my daughter was delighted and elated and excited to have this magic oven, so this morning was Easy Bake Oven day.

I know that she will remember her Easy Bake Oven and we made memories together today.  That is all that matters.  I can still think it is gross, as long as I successfully hide my disdain from my daughter.  As you can see by her face, it was an enjoyable experience for her!


  1. If you want to take a little bit of the "ick factor" out, there are "from scratch" Easy Bake Oven recipes out there if you Google them. I only know because Ana was asking for one for Christmas, and that was one of the major things I didn't like about it too! She ended up forgetting about it momentarily, so I didn't have to worry any further, but check them out!

  2. I remember having an easy bake oven. Thought it was great fun.
    I have started project 360.


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