
Day 245 - August 2nd, National Night Out

A very, very, very, very, very, very, very long time ago (OK, it was only 13 days ago, but it feels really long for someone who used to blog every single day), Target sponsored an event called National Night Out - America's Night Out Against Crime.  The closest event for my family was Greenland, which just so happens to be the town my Target is in.  Fancy that!  We arrived just in time for a huge thunder storm which forced the event inside the fire station.

Right before the rain started, my friend Alex painted Olivia's face.

Smile :)

It rained just a little bit.

But after the rain we were treated with a double rainbow!!

Then there is Cameron, who is always a treat!

I am way behind on blogging.  I have kept up with my photo a day, but I have been away from home and not able to post.  I was starting to stress out about it tonight, but then a friend shared this quote:

“Stress is basically a disconnection from the earth, a forgetting of the breath. Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important. Just lie down.”
Natalie Goldberg

So I am okay with being almost two weeks behind.  Really, I am!

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