
Day 180 - It's Summer

Summer for me begins when I have my first late afternoon beer on the porch in 80 degree or warmer air.  It is SUMMER!!!

I am way behind in blog posts, but I am starting to catch up.  Besides my 365 posts I need to post about Olivia's recital, fishing and my brother Wit's return from Iraq for 2 weeks!!


  1. Very cool shot! I like the (rock?) bokeh.

  2. Cool bokeh...please tell your brother THANK YOU!

  3. Great angle on this shot! Can't wait to see the recital pictures, and ditto to what Karren said about your brother!

  4. Yes!!! it is summer. My son was stationed in Iraq, there is nothing better than having him home again. Thank your brother for his service and it's because of men and women like him, that I sleep better at night.


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