
A Very Merry Christmas

Christmas Day was so much fun.  It began very early (5 a.m. early) and ended very early (6 p.m. early).  The first thing Cameron said when his eyes opened was, "Mommy, cookies and milk."  Then he had to check out the bedroom window to see if the reindeer food was gone.  Of course, it was!  By 5:30 a.m. Damien and I were awake enough to get up and go downstairs.  When they saw those presents under that tree they were too excited for words.  Literally.  I imagined them coming down the stairs screaming with delight, but they were actually completely silent.  It was pretty cool.
The rest of the day was pretty loud.  A frenzy of gift opening and the squeals of delight I was looking for.  Every gift opened was met with a smile even if it was not "the one" they were waiting for.  

After our traditional big breakfast of eggs, egg nog french toast, bacon (local, happy pigs) mimosas and fruit salad, the kids got to work playing with everything.  I feel like we may have overdone it this year, but it was worth it.  

The kids have been endlessly entertained for the past few days with all the new things in the house.  I feel like they may stay entertained for a few more days, at least!  The favorites at the moment are the dragons, new baby, Rudolph, Jesse costume, dragon book and the race track.  Tomorrow it may change, but for now they are all smiles :) 

We were missing my brother Wit terribly yesterday.  Well, I was anyway.  He always cooks the breakfast and I was a little sad doing it without him.  We got to speak to him on Skype, and see him.  He looks great!  I just wish I could hug him.
Merry Christmas everyone!


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