
My Silly Boy

Cameron behind the wall with the robot remote.  Olivia in
the playroom talking to the robot.  Suddenly the robot 
starts dancing and Olivia thinks it's because she told him
to dance.  

Cameron thinks this is hysterical!!!

Olivia?  Well, she just dances with the robot until the robot stops.

Let's see if he can trick her again...

Seriously, she really thinks that when she asks the robot to dance, he starts dancing!

Wait for it...

Really loving the dance moves!  Baby Cameron even gets in on it.

This goes on for at least 20 minutes.

She never caught on, and we never told her.


  1. Awesome... story, photos, your kids... just awesome!

  2. Too funny. It looks like she's doing the robot herself in one of the last pictures!

  3. Get that girl into jazz class! :) I love her expressions and movements- SOOO cute!!


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