
Who's That Hottie?

The kids and I took in a football game this afternoon.  Winnisquam versus some green team with an N on their helmets.  When we were there I saw this guy in a black and white striped shirt and he was sooooo hot that I couldn't stop taking photos of him.  I think the rest of the crowd was about to call the cops.

We had a fun time at the game, the kids and I.  We cheered on the referee, watched a girl pass out from not eating, watched the ambulance, police and fire truck pull up, watched a little of the game, tackled each other, and I did a little knitting.  We left at half-time and the kids and I went out to supper.  My kids ate all their dinner, so I treated them to ice cream sundaes.  To top it all off, the guy in the black and white shirt came home with us :)


  1. He's super hot. I'll bet he cooks a big, juicy cheeseburger. That is pretty cool about the ambulance, nothing interesting happens like that to me. What a shame.

  2. Geez, shouldn't the football players be the ones taken away in an ambulance?! Ethan said they had to call two at his game. I missed all the action.

  3. Wait, is that Brendan out there? Just kidding! : )

  4. Just thought I'd add that you can clearly read "Newfound" on #11 in the photo. ;)

  5. That's so like you Tyler. Thank you! I was focusing my attention on the hottie in the black and white :)


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