
My Creative Family

One of my favorite books is The Creative Family, written by Amanda Soule of Soule Mama fame. In her book she writes about mealtime gatherings, "For many, the evening meal is a time to gather, to rejoice in each other, and to be grateful for the gifts of each other and the earth from which our food comes." I have found that if my children are involved in the menu and preparation of dinner, or in this case, the harvesting of our Matt's Cherry Tomatoes growing behind the house, they are more inclined to sit and enjoy the meal.

Tonight I made a pasta alfredo without a recipe, which I thought to be pretty creative for me, since I am not that great of a chef. We topped it with our fresh-off-the-vine cherry tomatoes and it was a hit for everyone. OK, so this photo doesn't really do it justice, but it really did taste yummy.

After dinner and a tubby, my son layed down (naked) on the hardwood floor and drew this fantastic picture. I have been wanting to make an embroidered pillow out of one of my little boy's drawings for some time now (another inspiration from Amanda's book) and I was thinking this might be perfect for our living room!

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