
Hey Parents!

I am soliciting advice here. Cameron is doing well at preschool, but there is one tiny issue. My boy is a napper. He always has been. He naps for about 2 hours every day and he needs this nap. The problem is at preschool he wakes up from this siesta and is disoriented. He has forgotten where he is and then realizes that Mommy isn't there to snuggle him. In the morning he wakes up and he is ready to go, but at naptime he needs a good 1/2 hour of wakeup time before he can be social. The daycare providers are great. They don't push him, they let him wake up on his own, but I can tell it bothers him. He still tells me that he "never wants to go back to school, ever!" When we talk about it he always brings up naptime.

Any advice? He has a blanket from home, a bean frog that I made him and Mrs. Bownes snuggles him if he is really upset. I'm not sure what else to do. I know with time it will get better, but anything I could do to ease the transition I will definitely try. We discussed going to pick him up right after naptime, and that is an option, but I think that will be my last resort.

Thanks for any advice you can offer me!


  1. That's a tough one! Was there any opportunity for a morning session? Have you read the book "The Kissing Hand" with him? Check out the preview of it on Amazon here, it seems very sweet and may be helpful.


    Good luck, I know how hard this must be for you. I hope it all works out for both Cameron and you!


  2. Hi Amanda,

    The best thing that has worked with Cole and transitions is time and distraction. School is a big adjustment and I'm sure knowing that you are home is just as difficult. Over a couple weeks Cameron will get used to knowing that certain days he goes to school, wakes up there and then goes home. It's a waiting game unfortunately. The other piece that you could try is asking the teachers if you could have a couple beloved toys from home waiting for him when he wakes up from nap...meaning just pack them in a separate bag and hand them directly to the teacher. Toys unlike snugglies might offer another way for Cameron to be distracted with engaged play and also feel closer to home.

    Well, this is what has worked for us...so just my 2-cents.

    Good luck and hugs to Cameron!

  3. Thanks ladies! I think Kim has that book, Cammie. I'll ask her. I think the toy idea is a great one, because he is very attached to his toys.

    I just dropped him off and he was upset. I snuggled him and read him a book and told him that I would come get him before nap time. He stood up and said bye and started playing with the other kids.

    I think time is definitely what we need, it's just so hard to wait when your child is so upset :(


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