
Say No to Six

So, Tom has this saying, "Say no to six." Last night was the first time I realized that all four of our kids are mobile. Ben is now crawling! All four of them were all over the house playing and having a great time together. Then we went outside for naked time and soaked them with the hose. Needless to say, they then needed a bath (our driveway gets a little muddy). All four of our children in the tub made me realize Tom is right because we definitely can't fit anymore in there!


  1. They totally are rocking the mohawks! Rock on kids!

  2. I don't know about you, but we have our hands completely full with two. As a friend (who shall remain nameless) said the other day as he held his infant while watching his 2-year old, "I think one and a half would be just about right."
    I don't know how people manage more than 2. It boggles my mind.


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