

This year we spent Thanksgiving with my parents and my Nana and the rest of the Wells clan. But, the night before we went to Grammy and Paw Paw's house so we could make Grammy's delicious stuffing. (We had to cook a turkey, and no turkey can be without the famous sausage stuffing) Cameron and Paw Paw played with bubbles while Olivia and Grammy looked on.

Cameron is becoming quite the artist!

Olivia is getting to be very good at using her hands. She tore into her Thanksgiving present from Nana like she really knew what she was doing.

Here is my Nana with my cousin Jake and his wife Jen's baby girl Morgan. I love this photo. My Nana hushed her right to sleep, it was precious.

Then there is my Uncle Randy. He tries really hard to make children afraid of him. Cameron just laughs at him. Here he is starting early with Olivia. Last Christmas when we came home from his house I found handfuls of chocolate in Cameron's pants pockets!

Trying to get a Christmas card photo at the mall. Cameron would not sit with Santa again this year, but we got a cute one with Olivia.

Red is really her color!

My sweet girl!

My little turkey :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture at the mall but Cameron's hair looks funny all groomed up. Im used to it all messy.


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