
Afternoon at the Playground

I'm playing catch-up here. My camera cord broke so I haven't been able to download any photos for a few weeks. (The recent photos are from my phone!) Now I have a Dynex external card reader and it is awesome. It can read any data from any memory card/stick you have. It's awesome! Now all I need is a nice camera... ah, to dream!

The children and I found ourselves without Daddy (again) for dinner. On a whim we decided to pack a little picnic lunch of sandwiches, hummus and veggies and head to the park.

Olivia lost a shoe along the way and Cameron stopped to help her put it on.

After lunch we got down to business (playing business, that is). An older girl taught Olivia how to do this scary apparatus all by herself. Yikes!

She's so happy when she's sliding!

"Mom, take a picture of me with my hat!"

"Now a picture with my hat like this." (Seriously, that's what she said.)

Making friends is fun!


  1. Olivia is one cute kid. She is so funny! I love the pics.

  2. You took those on your phone?! Wow! I'm impressed! No need for a "fancy" camera....

    Olivia is a little model! :)


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