
Ten Things Thursday

Ten things that made me smile this week:
  1. Happy memories of my Nana, especially the ones that involved my kids.
  2. Cameron jumping in the pool without anyone catching him. (Scroll down for photos).
  3. Cameron letting go of the edge of the pool and going under water.
  4. Olivia wrapping her arms around me, unprompted, and saying, "I love you Mom."
  5. Being with family.
  6. The arrival of my new book, "Handmade Home" by Amanda Blake Soule.
  7. Knitting.
  8. Coffee in the morning with my friend and her little Beastie.
  9. Seeing a three week old baby.
  10. My kids laughing with each other.
What makes you smile?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am glad that we can make you smile! We LOVE you bunches.


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