

Cameron's new favorite activity is bowling. When we are at home or at Nana and Grampa's house, he finds anything he can use as pins and sets them up so he can bowl. So, we decided it was time to take him to the bowling alley and show him how to really bowl. First, we had to take a picture of him in his cool bowling shoes. Then, the fun began! He did really well when we let him do it his way. He refused to roll between his legs. Instead he would launch the ball like a shot-put. It was pretty amusing! His other little "quirk" was that he would only use the green balls, and no one else was allowed to use them. Olivia got in on the action as well. Then we taught Cameron how to keep score. Cameron tied Nana with a score of 74! (He bowled a few of her strings for her) Mommy had a score of 84, and Cameron didn't bowl very many of my balls. Plus, I kept hitting the bumpers, so most of my scores shouldn't have counted. I think Nana would have won!

We took a lot of photos, per Damien's instructions. Another reason I am excited to start on our new journey of stay-at-home Mommy, both Damien and I will be able to do more things together with the kids.

After a long day (we went shopping in Portsmouth, too) Cameron was exhausted. Olivia, on the other hand...

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