
I'm Back!

And so, my friends, is BOKEH!  Yeah baby! 

Tonight I let the kids go to town on a gingerbread house.  It is from a kit, so don't get all excited!  Yes, filled with high fructose corn syrup and red dye #40 (gasp!).  I drew the line at eating the red frosting right out of the bag.  I actually pulled the bag out of Olivia's hands as she was squeezing red frosting into her mouth and said, "No honey, anything but that."  The funny thing is, I am pretty sure she knew exactly why I did it without even having to say, "red dye #40".  My children are walking natural food propaganda, and I am proud of it!

So, I think I am back in the blogosphere.  The last few months have not been easy.  My husband and I have completed mediation and will be divorced within the next few weeks.  It is for the best.  We will remain friends and raise our children in two separate loving homes together.  I do not blame him, nor do I accept all the blame.  We both made mistakes.  The thing is that neither one of us fought for each other, no matter how much we think we did.  The children are happy and healthy and dealing with "grief" as best they can.  Damien and I are both helping them through it.  It has been as friendly as a divorce could possibly be, in my opinion, and in the end I know we will be friends.

So, I went off the grid for a bit, but I think I am back.  As for my 365 project, it was not an epic fail, but it was not a success.  I probably missed about 10 days in the last few months.  Maybe as I slowly get back into daily blogging I will share some of my last photos.  Because I do not deem it a success, I will be starting a new 365 project on January 1st, so stay tuned.

But for now, I leave you with this quote:

"Don't cry because it is over.  Smile because it happened." ~Dr. Seuss


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